Monday, February 23, 2009

Are you Buying or Selling ?

Are You Buying or Selling?
Essentially, a sales manager’s primary responsibility is to recruit, train and motivate the sales force to achieve peak-performance selling. Of these three vitally important tasks, I believe recruiting is the most challenging and least understood but perhaps the most important. If you recruit the right people, you will find that they are self-motivated and eager to receive training! On the other hand, if you hire the wrong person, you will experience high turnover and low morale.
Are you a buyer or a seller? By approaching the interviewing process with a buyer's mentality, you are more likely to maintain your objectivity and hire a long-term top producer. It pays to be selective and conduct multiple interviews. Take good notes throughout the interviewing process. If you talk more than you listen during an interview, you are a seller, not a buyer. I recommend that you use a checklist because it allows you to stay on message and helps you remember important questions. Relying on your memory is a poor business decision and will normally come back to haunt you.
When I first started interviewing salespeople, like most managers, I made the fundamental mistake of overemphasizing the compensation potential and understating the challenges. I was selling instead of buying! Top managers would rather tell it like it is and run the risk of scaring off a prospective new hire than to sugarcoat things and face a disillusioned salesperson months later. . While there is no system that can guarantee you will hire the right person every time, there are fundamental guidelines you must follow if you plan to recruit your way to the top!

John Boe
John Boe International
Monterey, CA

Richaard Wong RFP, ChLP, FChFP Best Practices, Training & Development
33/F, AIG Tower, 1 Connaught Road Central Hong Kong Tel: +852 2832 6762 Fax: + 852 2572 1792

“Leadership by the Compass not the Clock” – Dr. Covey

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