Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's not Cold Calling -Nov08

It’s Not Cold-Calling if You Have Mutual Interests

When I agreed to take over the Heart of America agency, I had never been to Kansas City before, and I didn’t know a soul there. But I figured I’d be okay because I was to have about 30 agents working for me.
When I moved my family to Kansas City, though, I found out that 27 of those 30 agents went with the former manager to his new company! So I had to manage the new office and go back into personal production for four or five years, in an area where I knew no one.
I had to get my name into the community somehow, and fast. So I called my alma mater, the University of Iowa, and requested a list of graduates who lived in the Kansas City area. There were more than 2,500 names on the list. I’d call them up, introduce myself and ask for an appointment. It wasn’t cold-calling at all because we already had something significant in common.
I also joined a local Catholic church and bought a small ad that appeared on the back of the church bulletin. I included my photo in the ad. Then I’d go around to the homes of my fellow church members and introduce myself. I’d point to the ad on the back of the bulletin and say, “That’s my ad.” So again, these weren’t cold calls¾I had something in common with the people I was visiting, and before long, people knew who I was in the community.
Too many agents expect to receive a list of 500 or 1,000 names and phone numbers of leads when they become agents. Why? Anyone can generate their own clientele, as a member or former member of a fraternity, sorority, sports team, church, or other organization.

Conkling Buckley Jr., CLU ChFC FLMI
Senior VP, Resource Development, GAMA International Leadership Team
GAMA International President, 2000 - 2001
Kansas City, MO


Sincere Appreciation,
Richaard Wong
Best Practice, Training and Development
20/F AIA building, 1 Stubbs Road
Hong Kong
Tel (852) 2832 6762
Fax (852) 2572 1792
“Things which matters most must never be at the mercy of things which matters least” - Goethe -
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